know how sometimes you get caught up in whatever you are doing and forget to do something that you normally do without even having to think about it? (Don't even make me feel like I'm the only one out there that is like know that you have done it yourself :) Well...that is what happened last night..and believe me I will always remember this mistake. LoL To give you a little background...last night we were coming home from was a good service and we had met some new friends and we were pretty pumped about how the night went. So of course we are discussing this as we roll up in our drive way. We proceed to get out of the truck still telling each other about our different conversations. I was heading to the back about to get Ian out when I realized my hands were I asked Wes if he could grab him. Being the great father and husband that he is...he had no problem with this and quickly came around to help me out with him. We made our way into the house and put Ian to bed...Wes studied for a class that he is giving the soldiers today and I watched a little TV. Then we headed off to bed where we both quickly fell asleep. And let me tell you I was sleeping very well...and having a great dream. Although right now for the life of me I can't remember what it is..but I know it was good. :) All of sudden I'm startled awake by the dogs running out of our room and to the front door barking quite loudly...and all I could think of is they better not wake Ian or I will kill each and everyone of them. OK...maybe not kill...but severely hurt! So Wes jumps out of bed to try and calm them down and sends them back into the room...when all of a sudden this extremely loud banging is heard on our door. Oh...and the doorbell is being rung...but since our doorbell is half really was just a sad pathetic noise that was overwhelmed mostly by the banging. So there are many things running through my head right now. Who the heck would be knocking at our door at 340 in the morning???? Could it be our neighbor...maybe something was wrong with her mom...but no...surely she would have called instead. Would a burglar really knock on our door before coming in and killing us? ('s amazing what goes through your head when you are startled out of deep sleep) So I tell Wesley to grab the gun before he opens the door...of course he didn't really need me to tell him that...he had already grabbed it...I was just trying to be helpful! Well...this has taken probably a good 30 seconds...but it seems like forever before Wesley gets to the door and whoever is at the door will not stop banging!!!! So now I'm thinking I'm going to kill whoever is at my door if he wakes up Ian. So I'm trying to hold 4 dogs back while Wesley answers the door of this very impatient impostor...this is no easy job for me let me tell you! Wesley yells "who's there" (can you tell we don't have a peep hole...which we will be getting before Wesley deploys I have now decided). Whoever is there can knock loud...but his voice isn't very Wesley finally opens the door after asking twice and still not understanding! So I am in the other room and all I hear is "I'm from the Oak Grove Police Department"! What in the world!!!! I'm imagining someone has died or our house was on fire or something...I swear this guys fist must be black and blue from almost banging down my door, sureley this was a sever emergency! So Wesley walks outside and shuts the door...what seem like 10 minutes has gone by (when in reality it was like 1 maybe 2) Wesley comes back inside! I'm waiting anxiously to hear what he wanted...what was the emergency! Yeah...our door to our truck was all of our chatting that night on our way inside the house we had forgotten to close the truck door. The police officer was nice enough to close it for us...but then wanted to make sure that we were alright! I guess there had been several break ins in our neighborhood and he wanted to make sure that no one had broken into our house! You know...honestly I didn't get mad. I was actually touched that he cared enough and took the time to make sure we were ok. It meant a lot to me because as most of you know my husband is rarely home and it's nice to know I have someone watching out for me when he is away...patrolling our streets and making sure we are safe! So thank you to that police officer out there...whoever you are...for making sure we are ok...and also for giving us a good laugh...and possibly saving our battery so Wes could go to work this morning! :
Well - I am glad to know that you have not been arrested!!! LOL That was neat that he came and checked on y'all - I bet that makes Wes feel better about when he is gone too!