Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I need to tell you about the love of my life... for those that actually really follow my blogging you probably realized that not 2 seconds ago I just published a post that was...well...pretty intense. I had a lot of things inside of me that needed to get out and I will be honest...I feel sooooo much better. :) But since it was a little on the.... how should I say this....mean side (lol) I really wanted to do something a little more lighthearted. So you can see that I'm not really a B....well you get the point. :) I have actually been thinking about writing this blog for a while but haven't done it yet...I didn't really think people would really care to "hear" me gushing over my son...but you know's my blog...if its too much for you to stomach well...just stop reading! First off...I LOVE my son more than I ever could have imagined loving any one. The moment I met him was the moment I realized there was such a thing as love at first sight! most of you know my "baby" is turning 2 on Friday and he is just getting so big! I can't believe it!!! But I just want to share a few things that I love to hear the most from him! First as you can imagine, my favorite thing to hear cross his lips are those precious words...."mommy I love you!" I seriously have never heard anything so sweet and it makes me want to melt...and yes...I did cry! Actual funny story behind that though was the first time he said it was one day after I put him down for a nap. I always tell him I love him after tucking him I was heading to the door he said " you"...I thought I would melt right there. So I once again told him that I loved him and then shut the door and went into the other room...where he then proceeded to yell over and over again..." you". So what did I realize...yeah...he wanted out of bed! But I still will take it...he loves me. :) Another story that will go down in the memory box is one day at the mall. I had just dropped Wes off at the airport for some kind of secret training (lol) and so I decided while I was in Nashville I would do some shopping. Well first things first...I had to pee! So we head to the bathroom...well of course I had to bring Ian and his stroller into the stall with me. While I'm sitting there peeing (i know...great mental picture for you lol) my son says rather loudly " poo poo"! After the words come out I immediately heard laughter from the other stalls. So what was I to do...well I'll tell you what I did..I had a quick talk with God wondering why I ever wanted my son to talk and then I chuckled...after all if it was some other kid doing it to some other mom...I would have laughed too! But what I have discovered watching my son grow is how fun it can be to see the transformation! But I think so far...the most exciting experience for me is him learning how to talk. I think it is so precious! Here are some of my favorite things he says. "I Bop it" now this one took me a little while to figure out...he is saying "I dropped it". Another would be "tiss" which I'm sure you can guess is "kiss". And he always says this when Wesley leaves for work. He says.."I wanna tiss...I wanna tiss". It is so sweet. His other knew thing which is so funny to me is when he pats my arm and says "mommy, mommy" and he will continously do this until I look at him. And as soon as I look at him he starts jabbering about whatever. And if you turn away too soon he will start tapping me again. So funny...but I can also see how this can get annoying very quickly. Another thing I have been teaching him is to say how old he is and his name. So I ask "Ian how old are you" and he will say "two" and it sound so cute. Although when I ask him what his name is he usually tells me "name". But when he does say it sounds more like "in". LoL And the funniest thing I think he does is his new thing where he says "yeah" to whatever he likes. For instance you ask "Ian do you want to go see MoMo" (one of Wesley's buddies...and how he got the name Momo is a story that I will NOT share at this time. LoL) Ian will then respond "yeah yeah" in such an excited voice! He also love "airpanes" (he forgets the "l" in there) and he can spot these things from miles away and gets crazy excited about them. I could litterally go on and on with his words...he has a HUGE vocabulary...but I will stop boring you. But I do want to end with just one more phrase he says. And it is "dit down"...which of course means "sit down." I think this is so sweet at times. He wants to play with you or cuddle with you...basically he wants to spend time with you and he ask you to "dit down." The Lord is actually teaching me some things through the phrase "dit down". (I know you are probably thinking what in the world LoL) Let me explain...when I'm doing something..I really don't like to get interrupted...especially in the middle of my cleaning groove or when I am cooking. Sometimes though I'll be caught up in something and Ian will call my name and I'll walk in the room and he will point to the couch beside him and say "dit down". And sad to say I usually will say...just a minute baby mommy is busy. But it's in those moments when my son looks so sad cause he just wanted me to "dit down" with him that it seems God nudges me and says..."go sit down with him whatever you are doing can wait". So I put down whatever I'm doing (usually super) realizing whatever it is can wait because my little boy wants me to spend time with him...and there is nothing more wonderful in the world then sitting down and having my son climb into my lap and lean his head back and my chest and just sit and cuddle! And isn't it kind of how God is. He just wants us to spend time with him...sit with him or crawl up in his lap and cuddle. But how often do we find ourselves too busy and we say..."wait a minute God...I'm busy right now"? Sometimes we just need to stop whatever it is were doing and realize it can wait because there is nothing more important then spending time with God! I'm here to tell you it's the little things in life that I am learning to cherish...and I am being taught this from the love of my son, Ian Gideon!


  1. Awww.. just precious. I so remember that stage of life! And I kind of miss it... back when they were so little still!!!

  2. Haha - I was just thinking about when you were driving me back to the airport and Ian kept saying something we couldn't understand. I kept saying "Are you saying clouds?" It was only on your way back home that you realized that he was saying cars!!! BAHAHA Love you guys!!! :)
